"Why are you so emotional," he asks as I breathe deeply, trying to keep him from hearing me cry. What I'd love to reply is: "Why are you so stupid," and quickly hang up the phone, but instead I stay on the line and continue to pull myself together as he insists that I was wrong (as always) and he is right.
There are five things that men need to understand:
1. Women are emotional creatures.
2. For some odd reason, women play games. We can't help ourselves. We can be mad at you and we won't tell you. Instead we'll try to give you signs, answer questions with short answers, hang up the phone without saying 'goodbye,' etc.
3. You can't understand us completely, mostly because you are simple, and we are complicated.
4. As my boyfriend says: "We are on two different brain waves." Translation: We don't think the same.
5. There are up to five days a month where if you piss us off, we are bound to either breakdown, throw a fit, run away, ignore you, etc, and we are justified. Who cares if we are wrong, who cares if you "didn't mean it that way." We are justified for being a bitch because it is God's fault... wait... I was wrong. It is Adam and Eve's fault. That darn mango!
You may read these tips, but you still won't understand your partner... why? Because that's the way it is. Why do I say that all men are idiots? Because it's true.
Okay... so I'm being kind of mean (after a tough few weeks in my relationship world.)
So there are also several things about men that women don't understand, such as:
1." After being with me for this long, why do you still not understand me?"
2. "Why is it so hard for you to understand what I want?"
3. "Why every time we go out to eat do you sit facing the television? Oh the Heat game? Guess what I don't care."
The list goes on and on, but at the end of the day... the fact still stands: Men are idiots.
Coco Elle

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