Finding celebrity look-alikes doesn’t get any easier by the day; however, it is one of the most things that I do with my free time (it’s actually pretty sad). Honestly, I have no clue how I even stumble upon these realizations, but this one was relatively easy.
Today’s Athlete: Justin Morneau, first baseman for the Minnesota Twins.
- He’s one of the few baseball players – like Mark McGuire
and Reggie Jackson – who look like they should be an action hero. It’s only fitting that he and John “U Can’t See Me” Cena look alike. Cena is one of the corniest movie stars in recent memory; but he can’t help it, he’s a former wrestler.
The only good thing to come out of the WWE has been The Rock, at least in terms of movie stardom; however, this might just top that. How many world wrestling champs can say that they look like a former AL MVP? None of them, that’s who.Not only does Cena look like Morneau, I just feel like they act the same as well. They have the same, cocky smirk on their faces. They’re both big as hell, and they have the exact same military-style haircut.
I don’t know about you, but I’m convinced that they are in some way related – maybe like that 1/1,000 sets of cousins who look almost exactly the same or something.
Think of how funny it would be to see Justin Morneau in a John Deer hat, some denim jeans and wearing an absurd number of wristbands patrolling around Target Field, gripping a microphone 10-times harder than anyone should hold a mic. And then think about the home run trot. Seriously, I want you to stop reading, lean back and think about how funny his home run trot would be.
I’ll set the stage: it’s the bottom of the ninth, Mauer is on first, and the count is 2 balls and one strike. He knows he going to get a fastball so he muscles up a little bit…and BAM! Long fly ball to deep, center field...and it’s gone. But that’s not the story here, the real story is how, right after contact, he flips the bat and immediately starts doing the Yayo dance (see below). Tell me how that doesn’t make great tv; that’s right, you can’t!
Think about how funny it would be to see him wrestle. What would his wrestling name be (I’m thinking “Ter-Morn-ator”…sounds corny, but what wrestling name isn’t?). I think you get my point; there’s just too much fun to be had with this one for you to not like it. To top it all off, Cena raps; how ridiculous would Morneau look in a recording booth spewing lyrics to his own walk up music?
For the record, I think Cena would destroy Morneau in a fight; but, let’s see him hit a hanging curveball.
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