For today’s athlete, it took a little more research and imagination to find the right fit; however, I feel very good about this one. I think all of my SJI fam will find this one quite amusing as well – especially my man Cheng.
Today’s Athlete: Dontrelle Willis, starting pitcher for the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Ever wonder what Lil' Wayne would look like if he played baseball? Me neither; but, if you are that curious, look no further than Dontrelle Willis of the Arizona Diamondbacks.
There’s a huge height difference between the two, and I don’t think Weezy could throw a 90+ MPH fastball, but that doesn’t change the fact that they could be long lost brothers. Just focus on their faces, how can you ignore that (the two have the same damn facial hair for Christ sake)? Willis even pitches with that same swagger that Wayne has when he "plays" the guitar. It's like they don't care what the result is; they just want to have fun.
Think of it this way, what athlete hasn’t, at one point in time, wanted to pursue a career in rap (yes, I’m talking to you Shaq). Then you factor in every rapper/hip-hop artist that wishes they were good enough to be a pro athlete, and it begins to make perfect sense that these two look exactly alike.
The one place that has been different has been their success. Willis’ career peaked in 2005 with a 22-10 record and a sub 3.00 ERA; however, that was just the beginning for Weezy, who had been rapping since his early adolescence. But the younger sibling – Willis is 28 and Weezy is 27 – almost always enjoys the most success; at least, that’s how it works in movies.
I would also like to focus your attention to the fact that Lil’ Wayne was featured on the theme song to Hard Ball – a movie about an inner city baseball team – which came out in 2001; a year after Willis was drafted by the Florida Marlins. A coincidence? I think not.Willis and Weezy each had a tough up bringing; both men growing up in the projects of their respective cities – Willis grew up in Oakland and Lil’ Wayne is from New Orleans. The similarities are staggering.
Honestly, at this point, I think it would be a good career move for Willis to seek out his long lost brother, Weezy, and try and join Young Money (he could take Lil’ Chuckie’s spot…not a fan, at all). Also, would it really surprise anyone if Lil’ Wayne decided to try out for a major league ball club? I know I wouldn’t be shocked; dude has re-invented himself more times than Diddy and always seems to come out on top. Who knows, he might even be good at it.
I don't know if Willis is an alien, like Weezy, but have you seen his wind up? Doesn't look all that "earthly" to me. I'm just saying...
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